To Blog or not. When I originally started this page/blog everyone in the world was blogging. It seemed so much easier than Twitter (which I still have not figured out). Although, I have never been able to figure out what to blog about. I don't feel like I have anything interesting to say and what I do would be airing dirty laundry or complaining about family and friends. So what is the point? I've tried putting stuff up about my pinterest craze; cooking; quilting; kids pictures...none of it seems to stick or be of interest. I can't help but wonder if I'm bored with it or does anyone really care and they are bored with it or BOTH.
I talk to people, over the phone and in person and seem to be interesting enough and can make people laugh but then become hesitant to put it in writing or if I do put it in writing I even find it boring. Now anything self-deprecating, I seem to have no issues with.
Lately, I've done a LOT of journaling (some turmoil this summer has caused this). Writing about it on a blog seems pointless and like I would be acting as an attention junkie. So I decided to research "blogging"...had to narrow that down a bit and when I did I found all these tips on what makes a good blog. Yeah, I walked away still thinking "to blog or not to blog, that is the question".
I think, as I type this, the point of a writer or even a good blogger is to take that "issue" and turn it into a story that doesn't hurt someone. See I have lots to say....I've been married 23 years and have 5 kids. It is one thing for me to TELL someone something my kids did, it is another for me to write the entire story down for everyone to see and pass on and use against them. So how do you find that balance?
What is the point? An online journal where I hope I have no followers but can type out and entertain myself? A full on following of people who think I am the funniest person in the world but I've done it at the expense of others?
So "to blog or not to blog....that is the question".....
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