Thursday, April 28, 2011

Finished Unfinished Works in Progress

I had started out making these squares with a ribbon to make a cancer quilt - each ribbon color representing a different type of cancer. Something went wrong in the cutting and half the blocks came out the wrong size AND to top it off - I wasn't crazy about all the different colors. I'm not a matchy matchy person but this was too unmatched for my tastes. So they have been sitting here and I buried them so I didn't have to think about what to do with them. Then someone commented on how high my pile of unfinished work that got me motivated....I turned all those squares into tote bags!

Updates on Life

Well it has been a few days since I last posted. 

I've been stewing over the being kicked of and lack of response from the "higher-up's" of the board.  However, today it was evident that they got the emails because they changed their terms of service and some of the forum rules. 

Plus I feel a little better about it all after meeting about 14 people who had the same thing done to them.  I've come to realize that no matter how great of a place I thought it was and how much I liked the people there was hidden drama that wasn't evident right off the bat. 

Soccer is still soccer...I am however beyond disillusioned with the adults involved.  That in and of itself makes it hard to get motivated to do anything or help anyone.  Even the people who deserve and need the help are suffering because of my new "attitude" toward the whole organization.   Again, another issue of drama that I don't need in my life and I would cut it out if I could - but this change has to wait until the earliest September or the latest February 2012.  I just have to hang in there until then. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter (and some Easter projects to boot....)

Of course in true form of starting projects late so they can't be sold or even given to people before the actual Holiday - here is what I did over the past few days:

Front of Table Runner

Back of Table Runner

Back of Wall Hanging

Front of Wall Hanging

Table Center Piece back

Table Center Piece Front

First time trying applique and binding on something roundish....not too bad!

Yes I know its Easter...but I'm still not sorry

Well I must say - I thought I would let this issue go, but I haven't. 

I'm still not sorry and won't apologize to PatriceJ on

No apology has been forthcoming from her either.

I have gone back to the message boards - still reading and following people and their projects but as much as I miss the board and my friends, I think I would miss my dignity more. 

This is a topic that has come up a lot this week in my house - why should you apologize for something when you know in your heart you did nothing wrong? 

We are split between - don't do it and - if you want to participate just be the bigger person, say your sorry and move on - you will know that you don't mean it.....

I'm not torn on the answer....I'm not doing it....I might forgive her for being wrong and disrespectful and power hungry and oh yeah - just plain mean....but I won't apologize just to get back on a message board! 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Another Work in Progress

I started this quilt with a new pattern I found - I modified it because the instructions were complicated and I had seen some tutorials that made it much easier to accomplish the same pattern. 

I loved the way the squares came out but the quilt itself wasn't going to be big enough.  So I decided to invert the colors of the blocks and add to it.  You know - Pink star inside instead of brown....

Well amidst all the drama today when I sat down to sew I wasn't paying attention and sewed all 6 blocks together wrong.  So the stars were not inverted in color.  I had two choices - tear them all apart and start over OR make it work....I decided to make it work....

My DH said he really likes it the way it turned out - it looks like a kaleidoscope to him. 

So now all I have to do is square up each block; sew together; find a backing and then quilt it and add binding.  Believe it or not all of that except the actual quilting is the easy part.  Coming up with the quilt block designs is hard for me. 

On a lighter note....

Today for the first time I tried quilting applique. 

I had some scraps left from a quilt I had made 2 of my nieces.  I scrappy quilted them together and then cut it into the shape of an egg.  Appliqued the bunnies on the front....added a back and quilted.  Not bad for a first try! 

I'll try again tomorrow witth easter egg's instead of bunnies!  Not sure what I'll do with them besides hang them on my wall but maybe it will keep me from sending more emails to PatriceJ! 

More Message Board Drama

My previous post detailed the drama on the message boards.  This isn't as funny or eloquent as my previous posts - I'm too just wade through the ramblings of someone who has their feelings hurt as best as you can......

After my original account was disabled by the moderator - and yes I'll name names - PatriceJ, I created another account to contact people I have interacted with over the last 4 months.  A few responded, others did not respond to my email address but may have responded to my "new" QB account - however, I'll never know as PatriceJ disabled that account as well. 

I then created a third account to file a complaint with Admin Talia Rose as the message boards state to do if there is an issue with a moderator.  No response.

Finally today, I received a response from PatriceJ as to why my account was disabled. 

She stated:  "Your membership has been cancelled for repeated displays of disrespect for our rules and policies, and for publicly disruptive behavior.  You compounded these violations by breaking back in to establish a rogue account.   You took it even further by using the rogue account to send SPAM.
Should you decide, upon reflection, that you would like to rejoin our community and can promise to behave as necessary and expected, I will consider the request."
I went shopping for fabric instead of replying right away. 
I'll post my response in a moment - but what struck me as telling of how right I am/was that this was a power trip for her was the last line of her email.....   "....upon reflection.....promise to behave....I will consider the request". 
I was left thinking "are you serious?".....
So my reply (yes it is a little long - but I am very wordy if you haven't noticed).....
"That explanation is inaccurate. 
1.  There was no disrespect for any rules or policies nor was their any public disruptive behavior.  I violated no tenants in spirit or to the letter of the board rules; policies; procedures nor the user agreements of the hosting web site.  You cannot prove that the post - which if you delete them are saved with screen shots - were disrespectful.  In fact, I clearly stated that I appreciated the board moderators and their volunteer status.  Furthermore, no policies were broken by any of the posts - the Twins Dilemma; nor the Personal Diaries post.  The statements you have made in your first line are inaccurate and without proof. 
In fact after your public chastising and very rude response and locking of the board, I removed myself and stated I wouldn't be posting any further and thanked everyone.  YOU assumed that it would turn into something - you had the option of locking the topic but yet you deleted it in violation of the boards rules.  Fact, I attempted to disengage but still be  part of the community - you assumed I had other motives and deactivated my account - a deactivation which again violates the rules of the board. 
In fact's own message board rules clearly state:  "...then don't take it personally. If there is some serious problem, then the moderators are going to PM you and explain what they think about your post and why it was deleted. Most of the time, if some corrective action is required, we'll simply lock the thread and post an explanation of the reasons why it has been locked."
Furthermore, the user site agreement, clearly states:  "The Site may provide you and other users an opportunity to submit, post, display, transmit and/or exchange information, ideas, opinions, photographs, images, video, creative works or other information, messages, transmissions or material to us, the Site or others ("Post" or "Postings"). Postings do not reflect our views; and we do not have any obligation to monitor, edit, or review any Postings on the Site.".  You chose to monitor, edit and review and then delete and deny access without explanation and then upon demand provided an explanation which is inaccurate, inflammatory, libel and potentially considered defamation of character. 
I am allowed to post my opinions and ideas.  You decided I wasn't allowed because it was too negative for you. 
2.  I did not break into and I suggest before you make such libelous statements - you re-think your position on that.  I registered under a different email address.  I did not misrepresent who I was and in fact clearly identified myself in what was called "PRIVATE messages" to people I have met on the board.  In fact, without proof of illegal activities moderators had no right to enter a section specific to me labeled PRIVATE.  Furthermore, there are no policies, procedures, rules or terms of user agreements that prevent registration on the board under multiple email addresses.  Upon your disabling of that user ID another one was created - again, clearly identifying myself and not in violation of any board policy, procedure or web site user agreement to send a complaint to the Admin.  Again, this statement borders or defamation of character as that term is defined under the law. 
3.  Since you disabled the account you have clear access to all PM's sent under texan1 screen user id.  That is not spam - those were private messages sent to people whom I have communicated with on a regular basis over the last 4 months.  I assure you that on this message board there is no way to send spam as there are no email address provided and the messages sent were sent by me directly to persons I know.  They were individual message - that is not the definition of spam.  Furthermore, there was no spam was sent from any personal email account I own either.  This statement is - like the other two - inaccurate. 
Each of your statements in this email explanation is not only incorrect but they are libelous and slander under those terms as created under the code of civil procedure for any state and border on defamation of character as that is defined under the law. 
Rather than treat me like an adult, you attempted to censor me and in those attempts you blocked my access and have now resorted to libelous and slanderous statements. 

I will make no such request promising to "behave" as I have not misbehaved.  In fact there are posters whom you did not move their posts to another section and there are certainly criticisms of this board in other places by people you have not disabled their accounts.  Your disabling of my account, violates your posted rules and your explanations below are without proof, I demand that access be restored - whether I choose to use that access will be up to me but given the facts the disabling of my account was inappropriate and without merit."  
I am very sad over all of this.  Yes, yes, yes, I know its a message board - you don't really know these can you let this affect you so much? 

Even my DH and I got into an argument over it.  He doesn't understand but to his credit he thinks she is crazy and to respond will possible create a situation which is dangerous.  I think he is over reacting but he actually said "she is insane and you are home alone all day".  I don't think he thinks of the fact that she lives on the West Coast and I live in South Texas and I know he is thinking of all the horror stories in the news of people who drove that far to hurt someone for no reason.

But I'm not worried about physical injury.  This is a "several fold" problem for me. 

I miss my "friends".  I miss posting and replying and interacting.  I miss getting feedback on my work.  Yes I know that I have only been outlawed for a short time but it feels like forever.  You know the first day you go camping and you have no cell know you are going to die without it - well you know you won't but you feel like you will....that is how I feel right now. 

I also felt I had to respond.  In my volunteer job, I can't always say what I want - I have to be politically correct.  I can't correct people on the soccer message board or defend myself because we - the volunteers - are not even supposed to go there.  From January until about 3 weeks ago I have been bashed and attacked on the soccer message boards, without correction; with falsehoods and lies and have had no opportunity to defend myself. 

On the QB message board I could and intend to defend myself. 

It won't change anything.  It won't change PatriceJ's opinions or actions.  It won't change the fact that the entire experience has made it difficult to quilt today - the joy was sapped out of it.  It won't change the fact that I'll never go back and post - without a retraction and apology - which I won't get.  I have to accept her actions and her power trip but I won't do so without standing up for myself this time. 

I didn't post anything in the wrong spot.  I didn't post anything negative.  I have never been warned about posting incorrectly.  I have never been disrespectful to a moderator or any member of the board.  SHE IS LYING and the words on the pages prove it. 

I can't understand how it is so easy for someone to lie about this because they didn't like something and everyone Else's response is "let it go - its not worth it". 

Her words in her email - as they are lies - crossed a line legally - I'm surprised this doesn't bother anyone who is higher up then her.  The unknown part for me - I still don't know what I ever did to this lady...The only times I've interacted with her were to ask if I could sell some material that wasn't exactly quilting material - she told me no - and I thanked her. 

So now I have to decide....did I quilt for myself or did I do it to be a part of something...I can't decide...I think that I did it for myself (cuz I sure as hell haven't sold anything) but being a part of that community made it easier and more fun! 

***Those who have stuck by me during this - thank you.....***

I don't know...I don't understand people like this and as I said yesterday it is a form of censorship - the worst form of censorship! 

I'm sure I"ll get over it and move on - today I just don't feel like getting over it and moving on! 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Public Message Boards

About 6 months ago, I found this quilting message board.  I read the posts and messages and looked at all the pictures for about 2 weeks before joining.  I mean lets be honest - quilting is for old ladies right?  At least that is what my kids tell me while they cuddle on the couch in all of the quilts I've made them.

I read the posts and thought this is a great place.  No bashing; really helpful hints; lots of photos and idea's...but most of all no bashing of posters or their work - no matter how bad the quilt was.  Heck - see below for my booby quilt post and you'll know that if they could except me for making that it had to be a great place right? 

Well over the last 3 or 4 weeks I have begun to feel like this one moderator just didn't care for me and my posts.  Several times I've had posts moved or gone back on to find a subject or post deleted.  I thought hum...well read the rules and try harder - you don't want to create waves - you like it here.  I was a bit put out by the fact that stuff would happen and you got this generic message just telling you it was moved with no explanation.  But I moved on - try harder - you like this place is what I told myself. 

Now let me say, I have been on and too many public message boards - heck I go to one for soccer where I have been bashed so hard by people who don't know me that it was funny and not hurtful.  So this board was a dream for me. 

This board had several sections - you could talk quilting or you could talk non-quilting and moan and groan about your kids; your life; others lives; traffic; play word games; post pictures - it has all kinds of stuff. 

So last night I posted...

Now I don't post if I don't want to take the chance that someone will disagree with me or tell me to piss off - I figure if I'm writing it in public its no different than saying it so I think carefully about it.

AND after the last few weeks I decided it best to carefully consider where I put stuff so I didn't get detention on the boards again. 

So I post....I get up this morning to a generic email saying "your post has been moved" and moved to a section of the board I don't subscribe to - then I get a message saying "your posts have been merged"...when the 2 posts had absolutely nothing to do with each other. 

So all of this before I'm even done with one cup of what do I do?  I post about the topic being moved and how I don't like it. 

I must admit my surpise but it took about 2 hours for the moderator who I feel like has been dogging me - to chastise publically and then lock the thread! 

So what is my point you might ask?  Here it is:

1.  I can bitch about her and her actions and the board here on my blog and there is not a darn thing anyone can do because I'm the only one who can move or lock a topic - all anyone else can do is choose not to read it; and

2.  Well I'm pissed...what I had thought was a great place just turned petty and mean and like most things in life - one person ruined it!

Here is the great thing that the moderator doesn't seem to get:

I am an adult.  I make my own choices.  I choose to write a post or not write one.  I choose to respond to a post or not respond to a post.  I choose to ignore a post and move on or not ignore it.  Today I chose to not ever post again on that message board.  I'll lurk and read....I'll PM all the friends I have made about their lives; hurts; quilts; grand kids; kids; houses; sewing machines and broken needles - but I won't subject myself to being reamed out in public by someone who doesn't know me and hasn't even given me the common courtesy of taling to me like an adult about what their issue with me is! 

So I get to choose once again.....othes may disagree with my choice but that is what it is really about - it is MY choice!  Yes this moderator forced me into making it but at least - unlike her - I can own up and accept my actions!

***UPDATE*** - so I posted a thank you - you all have been great; loved meeting ya'll but this is my last post ever....the exact same moderator DELETED the Thank you message!  Then sent me an email saying it was deleted and then COMMENTS:  No explanation necessary!  Some people!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Lessons learned from quilting at 3 a.m.

You can learn all kinds of things from quilting in the quiet of the night. I did....let us see:

I learned that if you are FMQ'ing and you have to fill a bobbin back up - that if you don't change the tension back to regular or normal that you end up with a ball of thread mess - worthless except for a birds nest.

I learned that if you are trying to sandwich a quilt that is taller than you and you hang it on a wall - to use a step stool to spray quilt basting spray. Quilt basting spray is worse than Aqua Net hair spray and took 4 washings to get out of my hair.

I learned that you must use a calculator to add your measurements because at 3 a.m. 23 + 23 = 56 inches but in the light of day and after having coffee it only measures 46 and you can save yourselve an hour of trying to figure out why the back is so much larger than the front.

That at 3 a.m. Righty tighty and lefty Lucy doesn't make sense...while changing the walking foot; turning till I just about pulled a muscle in my shoulder; yelling at the machine and oiling the screw thinking I over tightened it.....I kept repeating that....well repeating it is good - but at 3 a.m. your left hand becomes your right and vice versa - by morning they have changed back and are in their correct spot.

Best of all...I learned - I'm not quilting at 3 a.m. again....I spent 3 hours undoing all the 3 a.m. quilting fairies work after I had coffee today!


Back up close

Waiting for baseball season is officially over!

The Phillies have played 3 games - that means that "waiting for baseball season" is officially over.  Not for me - but for my husband.  For the next nine months he will cheer up the day they play; deck out all in Phillies gear and wait for the game - impatiently.  Once the game begins - the groaning starts and everytime they strike out or are down a run or several - he professes how much they suck...this will continue until their season is officially over - this occurs regardless of how far they go - World Series; Championships - doesn't matter!  Its ritual!! In honor of his love for the Phillies - I made him this quilt!  Maybe he will profess less and less about how much they suck? 


close up of the front - trying to show the quilting design


Front and Back together

Friday, April 1, 2011

My Very First Quilt

Below is the very first quilt I ever made. Ok - its what I thought a quilt was and I thought I did pretty darn good....

There is no batting - had no idea what that even was...its pretty squared - well rectangled - but even - I made it 11 years ago when my daughter went from Brownies to Juniors in Girl Scouts. There is a matching pillow somewhere with pictures of her - what is so funny on the pillow is it is white but for some reason I used red thread!

I'm going to see if she wants me to put some batting in it and actually quilt it for her! 


Another shot of the Front


Recognized as a quilter.....

Today I had to tear apart some borders I put on a block - did them upside down and since they were words it mattered.

Rip out all the seams. Realize I have no batting to finish this quilt....grab my coupon and head to JoAnn's.

I'm walking around drooling at some of their fabrics they just got in and this lady says "are you quilting" - I said "Yes, why?" She says "Looks like you had a rough day and had to rip apart something!" and she points at me....

I look down and I had all the little threads from ripping out the seams all over my shirt and shorts!!! Everyone - hundreds of them! and of course I was wearing a dri-fit addidas shirt so they were clinging like crazy....

Problem was - I didn't even brush them off - got my batting, paid, got into the car and just started laughing - lint rolled myself when I got home though!